

Fingym environments are either static or dynamic.


Fingym comes with some static environments out of the box so that you can get started without the need to set up or download anything else. These environments are a good way to backtest and train algorithms. The data is static and covers about 10 years of daily ohlcv data. For example, the dataframe of the SPY daily env.

       timestamp    open      high       low   close     volume
0     12/23/2008   87.53   87.9300   85.8000   86.16  221772560
1     12/24/2008   86.45   86.8700   86.0000   86.66   62142416
2     12/26/2008   87.24   87.3000   86.5000   87.16   74775808
3     12/29/2008   87.24   87.3300   85.6000   86.91  128419184
4     12/30/2008   87.51   89.0500   86.8766   88.97  168555680
...          ...     ...       ...       ...     ...        ...
2764  12/17/2019  319.92  320.2500  319.4800  319.57   61131769
2765  12/18/2019  320.00  320.2500  319.5300  319.59   48199955
2766  12/19/2019  319.80  320.9800  319.5246  320.90   85388424
2767  12/20/2019  320.46  321.9742  319.3873  320.73  149338215
2768  12/23/2019  321.59  321.6500  321.0600  321.22   53007110

The following environments are static:

SPY-Daily-v0 SPY-Daily-Random-Walk TSLA-Daily-v0 TSLA-Daily-Random-Walk GOOGL-Daily-v0 GOOGL-Daily-Random-Walk CGC-Daily-v0 CGC-Daily-Random-Walk CRON-Daily-v0 CRON-Daily-Random-Walk BA-Daily-v0 BA-Daily-Random-Walk AMZN-Daily-v0 AMZN-Daily-Random-Walk AMD-Daily-v0 AMD-Daily-Random-Walk ABBV-Daily-v0 ABBV-Daily-Random-Walk AAPL-Daily-v0 AAPL-Daily-Random-Walk


Fingym also supports dynamic environments that support retrieving data from multiple popular platforms such as alphavantage and iexcloud. You can fetch the latest data and train or test your algorithms with the latest data.

These environments also cache the data in order to reduce the amount of calls that are made to these platforms. This can help with the api limits imposed by alphavantage and iexcloud for free accounts.

The following environments are dynamic:

Alphavantage-Daily-v0 Alphavantage-Daily-Random-Walk IEXCloud-Daily-v0


You can get a free alphavantage key from

Install the following alphavantage library:

pip3 install alpha-vantage

This code creates an Alphavantage-Daily-v0 environment, which gets the latest daily data of the stock symbol provided.

Run examples/environments/

env = make('Alphavantage-Daily-v0',stock_symbol='SPY', alphavantage_key = <enter_your_key_here>)
close = np.zeros(env.n_step)
obs = env.reset()
close[0] = obs[3]

while True:
  obs, reward, done, info = env.step([1,1000])
  close[env.cur_step] = obs[4]
  if done:
    print('total reward: {}'.format(info['cur_val']))

time = np.linspace(1, len(close), len(close))
plt.plot(time, close, label = 'SPY',linewidth=1.0)
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')



You can open a free IEX cloud account

Install the following iex library:

pip3 install iexfinance

This code creates an IEXCloud-Daily-v0 which retrieves daily data of the stock symbol provided and the start and end dates. The environment also caches data for your in order to to reduce the amount of calls made to iex cloud.

Run examples/environments/

start = datetime(2019, 3, 1)
end = datetime(2020, 9, 4)

env = make('IEXCloud-Daily-v0',stock_symbol='SPY', iex_token = <your_iex_token_here>, iex_start=start, iex_end=end)

close = np.zeros(env.n_step)
obs = env.reset()
close[0] = obs[3]

while True:
  obs, reward, done, info = env.step([1,1000])
  close[env.cur_step] = obs[4]
  if done:
    print('total reward: {}'.format(info['cur_val']))

time = np.linspace(1, len(close), len(close))
plt.plot(time, close, label = 'Actual',linewidth=1.0)
plt.title('IEX - SPY')
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')


Random Walk

This code creates a SPY-Daily-Random-Walk environment and runs multiple random walks in order to predict possible outcomes of stock movements for the last year.

Run examples/environments/

In our case, some agents that beat the buy and hold strategy learned to buy as much as stock in a dip early on and hold forever. Mimicking the buy and hold strategy and “learning” through many iterations which dip to buy.

See the graph below for our deep neuroevolution agent:


A popular strategy to estimate risk is the use of Monte Carlo simulation in order to predict the worst likely loss of a portfolio.

Fingym has random-walk environments that generate possible futures of stock movements. This allows you to create agents that learn from stochastic models. Using such technique can help create agents that are generalists and not tied down to a single path.

env = fingym.make('SPY-Daily-Random-Walk')

random_walks = []

for _ in range(100):
  real_close = np.zeros(env.n_step)
  random_walk = np.zeros(env.n_step)

  obs = env.reset()
  real_close[0] = obs[3]
  random_walk[0] = obs[3]

  while True:
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step([0,0])
    real_close[env.cur_step] = info['original_close']
    random_walk[env.cur_step] = obs[3]

    if done:


time = np.linspace(1, len(random_walk), len(random_walk))

for random_walk in random_walks:
  plt.plot(time, random_walk, ls = '--')

plt.plot(time, real_close, label = 'Actual',linewidth=4.0)
plt.title('Geometric Brownian Motion - SPY')
plt.legend(loc = 'upper left')

This results in 100 possible outcomes for the last year.
